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Ì. money
Ì., m. 1. month 2. monthly
m. 1. medium 2. mistake
ÌÀ moving average
mach(y) machinery
MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of England and Wales
man. 1. management 2. manager 3. manufacture 4. manufactured 6. manufacturer 7. manufacturing
Ì&À mergers and acquisitions
Manfd = man. 4.
manuf. = man. 3., 4., 5., 6.
MAPI Machinery and Allied Products Institute
MARAD Maritime Administration
marg. 1. margin 2. marginal
MARS Marketing Analysis Research System
mart. market ðûíîê
MARTI Machine Readable Telegraphic Input Money Transfer System
MASIS Management Scientific Information System
mat. maturity
Ì.Â. municipal borough
MBS mortgage-backed securities
ÌÑ marginal costs
m.c. minutes charged
MCD minor civil division
ÌÑÅÅÑ Monetary Committee of the European Economic Community
Mcht, mcht merchant
m.d., m/d, ÌD., months after date
mdl model
mdse merchandise
ÌÅÑ marginal efficiency of capital
mem(o) memorandum
merc. mercantile, merchant
MESOREP Medical Social Research Project
meth. 1. method 2. methodical
M.E.W. manufacturer's empty weight
mfd. = man. 4.
mfg = man. 6.
MFN most favored nation
MFR marital fertility rate
mfr. = man. 3., 5.
Mgmt, mg(m)t = man. 1.
Mgr = man. 2.
M.I. mortality index
MICP Mandatory Investment Control Program
MIG Moody's investment grade
Min. prem. minimum premium
Mintech Ministry of Technology
Miny ministry
ÌIP marine insurance policy
MIS Multicurrency Intervention System
mkt market
ML maximum likelihood
MLE maximum likelihood estimator
MLR 1. Minimum Lending Rate 2. monotone likelihood ratio
Ì.Ì. mercantile marine
ÌÌÑ money market certificate
MMDA money market deposit account
MMF money market mutual fund
M.M.T. minimax theorem
ÌÎ money order
Ì.Î. mark off
Mod., mod. 1. modern 2. modernized
mod. 1. model 2. modification
MOF Ministry of Finance
mon. monetary
mort(g) mortgage
M.O.T. Ministry of Transport
ÌÐ 1. most powerful 2. marginal product
Ì/Ð 1. mail payment 2. memorandum of partnership
ÌÐÑ Military Payment Certificate
MPDP multifacility production-distribution problem
ÌÐÅ most probable estimate
m. prod. mass production
MPS Material Product System
MR marginal revenue
MRC major retail center
Ì.S. merchant shipping
M/S months after sight
MSB mutual savings bank
MSD mean square deviation
MSE mean square error
MSU Maxwell Stamp's Composite Currency Unit
Ì.Ò. mail transfer
ÌÒÀ motion time analysis
ÌÒÂ Merchandise Trade Balance
MTBF mean time between failures
MTBI mean time between interruptions
MTN medium-term note
ÌÒÒÀ Machine-Tools Trades Association
MU monetary unit
M.U. marginal utility
Mun., munic. municipal
mut. mutual
m.v. market value
MVT mean value theorem