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N. 1. name 2. national
N., n. note
n. net
N.A., n/a not available
N/A 1. new account 2. no account 3. по advice 4. nonac-ceptance
NAA National Association of Accountants
NABE National Association of Business Economists
NACAA National Association of County Agricultural Agents
NAHB National Association of Home-Builders
NAIB 1. National Association of Insurance Brokers 2. National Association of Investors' Brokers
NAIC National Association of Investment Clubs
NAM National Association of Manufacturers
NARUC National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASD National Association of Securities Dealers
NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers automated quotations
NASDIM National Association of Securities Dealers and Investment Managers
natl. = N.2.
Natl Bk National Bank
NB new bonds
NBER National Bureau of Economic Research
N.B.P.I. National Board for Prices and Incomes
NBS 1. National Bureau of Standards 2. New British standard
NC no charge
N/C numerical control
NCB National Coal Board
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
N.C.I. 1. new capital issues 2. no common interest
NCOP National Commission on Productivity
NCV no commercial value
N.D., n.d. no date
n/е not exceeding
NEB National Enterprise Board
NEC., n.e.c. not elsewhere classified
NEDC National Economic Development Council
"Neddy" = NEDC
NEGS Net Export of Goods and Services
NERC National Electric Reliability Council
N.F., n/f no funds
NFA National Futures Association
N.H.S. National Health Service
N.I. 1. natural increase 2. national income
NIC new(ly) industrialized country
NICHD National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

NIEO new international economic order
NIP normal investment practice
NIRA National Industrial Recovery Act
NLP nonlinear programming
NLRB National Labor Relations Board
NMAA National Machine Accountants Association
NMR nubile marriage rate
NNI net national income
NNP net national product
NNS National Natality Survey
noibn not otherwise indexed by name
nom. nomination
Nom 1. nomenclature 2. nominal
Nom. Cap. nominal capital
nop., N.O.P. not otherwise provided for
nor, N.О.R. not otherwise rated
norm. normal
nos, N.O.S. not otherwise stated
NOVS National Office of Vital Statistics
NP 1. national product 2. nonpreemptive priority
N.P., n.p. nonparticipating
n.p. notes payable
n.p., n/p net proceeds
n/p nonpayment
NPA National Planning Association
NPCA National Pest Control Association
NPPS nonpreemptive priority service
npv no par value
N.R.D.C. National Research and Development Corporation
NREC National Resource Evaluation Center
NRR net reproduction rate
ns not specified
N.S. new series
N/S not in stock
NSA National Shipping Authority
NSBA National Small Business Administration
N.S.F. not sufficient funds
NSIA National Security Industrial Association
n.s.k. not specified by kind
NSMA nonstandard metropolitan area
nt wt net weight
nv, N.V. nonvoting
N.V. nominal value
NVSD National Vital Statistics Division
NYBOR New York interbank offered rate
NYCHF New York Clearing House Funds
NYFE New York Futures Exchange
Nylies New York Life Insurance Companies
NYME(X) New York Mercantile Exchange
NYSE New York Stock Exchange
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