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В 1. bag 2. base
В. 1. bid 2. bill of exchange 3. board 4. bond 5. budget 6. buyer(s)
ВА 1. Bankruptcy Act 2. Basic Agreement
bag baggage
bal balance
bankcy bankruptcy
b.b. 1. bank book 2. bear bonds 3. bill book
ВВА British Bankers' Association
ВС bank clearing
be blind copy
В/С bill for collection
В.С.Е.С.С. British Central-European Chamber of Commerce
B.C.I.C. Birth Control Investigation Committee
BCNY Bond Club New York
BD 1. bank draft тратта, 2. bills discounted 3. broker-dealer
b4 = В. 4.
bdgt = В. 5.
BDM basic decision model
BDM Business and Defence Services Administration
В.Е. 1. Bank of England 2.= b.a.
ВЕС British Employers' Confederation
BES 1. Bureau of Employment Security 2. Business Expansion Scheme
B.E.T.R.O. British Export Trade Research Organization
BFS, b.f.s. basic feasible solution
bght, bgt bought
BHC bank holding company
BIFU Banking, Insurance and Finance Union
BIFFEX Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange
BIM British Institute of Management
B.I.S. Bank for International Settlements
Bk 1. bank 2. book
Bkg 1. banking 2. bookkeeping
Bkpg = Bkg 2.
Bkrp bankrupt
bl bill
B/L, b/Lading, blading bill of lading
BLEU Belgian-Luxembourg Economic Union
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
B.M.N. British Merchant Navy
BMTS basic motion time study
В.О. buyer's option
BOASI Bureau of Old Age and Survivors Insurance
В. of T. Board of Trade
ВОР balance of payments
ВОТ 1. balance of trade 2. board of trustees
bot bought
B.O.T. = В. of Т.
BP 1. bill of parcels 2.bills payable 3. British patent
Br. 1. branch 2. British
B.R. 1. bank rate 2. bills receivable 3. book of reference
b.r. = B.R. 1
brd = В. 3.
B'Rec. = B.R. 2.
Br.P. = ВР З.
B.S. 1. balance sheet 2. bill of sale
bsc basic
Bs/L = B/L, B/Lading, blading
Bt = bght, bgt
B.T. = B. of T.
B/T British tariffs
BTC British Transport Commission
BTN Brussels Trade Nomenclature
Bu bureau
bus. business
B/V book value