Ñ 1. capacity 2. contract 3. currency 4. current
Ñ. 1. cargo 2. class 3. company 4. copy 5. correction 6. cost 7. coupon
ÑÀ. chief accountant
Ñ/À 1. capital account 2. commercial agent 3. current account
ÑÀÀ Civil Aeronautics Administration
CAB Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau
CAD cash against documents
CAF cost, assurance and freight
c.a.f. cost and freight
can(c). cancelled
Ñ. and f. = c.a.f.
ñ. and i. cost and insurance
CAP Common Agricultural Policy cash cashier
ÑÂ county borough
Ñ/Â cash book êàññîâàÿ êíèãà
C.B.D. cash before delivery
c.b.d. central business district
CBI Confederation of British Industry
ÑÂÎ Congressional Budget Office
CBR crude birth rate îáùèé
ÑÂÒ Chicago Board of Trade
ÑÑ Common Council
Ñ.Ñ. 1. cash credit 2. cashier's check 3. Chamber of Commerce 4. country cheque 5. Country Cheque Clearing
ÑÑÀ contract change authorization
ÑÑÀÍÑ Central Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Cooperation
ÑÑÑ Commodity Credit Corporation
CCD census county division
CCL customs clearance
cct correct
C.D. cash discount
C.d. with dividend
C/D certificate of deposit
C.D.F.C. Commonwealth Development Finance Corporation
ñ. div. cum dividend
CDP Contract Definition Phase
CDR crude death rate
CDs = C/D
ÑÅÀ 1. Central Electricity Authority 2.Commodity Exchange Authority 3.Council of Economic Advisers
ÑÅÑ Common European Currency
CED Committee for Economic Development
CEGB Central Electricity Generating Board
CEIR Council for Economic and Industrial Research
CELADE Latin American Demographic Center
ÑÅÎ chief executive officer CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
CERT Council of Resources Tribes
cert certificate
CES 1. content evaluation study 2. Economic and Social Council
CF correction factor
cf = c.a.f.
C/F, c/f carried forward
CFDIP commerce foreign direct investment programme
c.f.i. = c.i.f.
cfmd confirmed
CFO chief financial officer CFPI Central Family Planning Institute
CFR cumulative fertility rate
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Cge carriage
CGO Committee on Government Operations
cgo cargo
C.G.S. cost of goods sold
Ñ.Í. 1. clearing house 2.customhouse
CHAMPS Chase Manhattan Payments System
chgd charged
chgs charges
CHIPS Clearing House Interbank Payments System
ch. pd. charges paid
ch. ppd. charges prepaid
chq cheque
CI consular invoice
cia cash in advance
CIA Chemical Industries Association
CIC Capital Issues Committee
CICOM International Marketing Center
CID Committee on Interest and Dividends
c.i.f. cost, insurance, freight
c.i.f.c., c.i.f.&c. cost, insurance,freight and commission
c.i.f.c.&i cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
c.i.f.&e. cost, insurance, freight and exchange
CIO Congress of Industrial Organizations
CIPM Council for International Progress in Management
CIR 1. Commission on Industrial Relations 2. Current Industrial Report
CIRET Center for International Research on Economic Tendency
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
ck check
cl 1. class 2. clause 3. carload
C.L.A. Central Landowners Association
class classification
CLC Cost of Living Council
CLCB Committee of London Clearing Bankers
clm column
ÑÌÀ 1. cash management account 2. Census Metropolitan Area
ÑÌÅÀ Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
CMF comparative mortality factor, comparative mortality figure
cml commercial
CMV current market value
CN, C/N 1. contract note 2. credit note
cntr container
ÑÎ 1. cash order 2. certificate of origin
Ñî 1. county 2. company
Ñ.Î.Ñ., Ñ.î.Ñ. = Ñ.Ñ.3.
ÑÎÑÎÌ Coordinating Committee of East-West Trade Policy
COD cash on delivery, collect on delivery
CODOT Classification of Occupations and Directory of Occupational Titles
COFC container-on-flat-car
COINS Committee on Improvement of National Statistics
COLA cost-of-living allowance (adjustment)
coll collection
coll. barg. collective bargaining
comb. 1. combination 2. combine 3. combined
ÑÎÌÅÕ Commodity Exchange
Ñîml = Ñîm(m). 1.
Com(m). 1. commercial 2. commission 3. Commonwealth
com(m). 1. commerce 2. = Ñîm(m). 1.
ñîmmn. = Com(m).2.
Comp 1. company 2. compensation
compl complement
Con., con. consolidated
cond 1. condition 2. conditional
conf., confer, conference
CONFEST conference on statistics
Cong. congress
cont contract
contr 1. contracted 2. contractor
CONUS Continental United States
conv convention
co-op 1. cooperation 2. cooperative
copr copyright
COPS Committee on Population Statistics
Corp(n) corporation
corr 1. corrected 2. correction 3. corresponding
COSATI Committee on Scientific and Technical Information
cp coupon
C.P. carriage paid
ÑÐÀ critical path analysis
CPAF cost-plus-award-fee
CPFF cost-plus.fixed-fee
CPI consumer price index
CPIF cost-plus-incentive-fee
ÑÐÌ critical path method
CPR current population report
CPS current population survey
CR 1. carrier's risk 2. company's risk 3. Construction Report
Cr. 1. credit 2. credited 3. creditor 4. credit record 5. current rate
ÑRÀ composite reserve assets
CRC cost-reimbursement contract
CRDC Cash Receipts and Disbursement Statement
C.R.N.I. crude rate of natural increase
CRU Composite Reserve Unit
CRVS civil registration and vital statistics
CS 1. capital stock 2. common stock(s)
c.s. coalition structure
CSP cooperative statistical program
CSRC cost-sharing-reimbursement contract
CSVLI cash surrender value of life insurance
ÑÒ 1. carat 2. cent 3. credit
ct current
Ñ'tåe committee
Cum cumulative
cum d(iv). cumulative dividend
cur 1. currency 2. = ct
curr., curt = ct
Cv'r cover
cvt convertible
C.W.O., c.w.o. cash with order
CWR child-woman ratio
C.W.S. Cooperative Wholesale Society
Ñy 1. city 2. = Comp 1. 3. = Ñî 4. = cur 1.