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F. 1. finance 2. financial 3. flat
f. function
F.A.A -, f.a.a. free of all average
Fac facsimile
FAME Forecasts and Appraisals for Management Evaluation
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
FAP family assistance plan
fas free alongside ship
Fax facsimile
Fb, F.B. freight bill
FBI Federation of British Industries
FCA Farm Credit Administration
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCFS first-come-first-served
FCI Finance Corporation for Industry
FCIA Foreign Credit Insurance Association
Fco franko
F.c.s. food, clothing and shelter
fd. forward
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FEA Federal Energy Administration
Fed. 1. federal 2. Federal Government 3. Federal Reserve Board 4. Federal Reserve System 6. federated 7. federation
FESE Far Eastern Stock Exchange
FET federal exise tax
feud. feudal
ff frequency function
FFCS Federal Farm Credit System
FFMS Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation
FFPC firm-fixed-price contract
FG = Fed. 2.
FGIMA Family Growth in the Metropolitan America
fgn foreign
fgt freight
FHA 1. Federal Housing Administration 2. Finance Houses Association
FHS family health survey
FI fire insurance
FIBOR Frankfurt interbank offered rate
FIСВ Federal Intermediate Credit Bank
fid. fiduciary
FIFO first-first-out
fin. = F. 1, 2
FIRA Foreign Investment Review Agency
fis fiscal
F.i.t., f.i.t. free of income tax
FNMA Federal National Mortage Association
FO The Foreign Office
F.O.A. Foreign Operations Administration
FOB., f.o.b. free on board
FOC, f.o.c. 1. free of charge 2. free on car
FOM fault of management
FOMC Federal Open Market Committee
F.O.Q., f.o.q. free on quay
FOR, f.o.r. free on rail
forex foreign exchange
FOT, f.o.t. free on truck
f.o.t. free of tax
FP fixed price
FP, fp family planning
F.P., F/p fire policy
f.p. fully paid
FPA Family Planning Association
F.P.A. free of particular average
FPC 1. Federal Power Commission 2. finite population correction
FPCE fixed-price contract with escalation
FPCR fixed-price contract with redetermination
FPIF fixed-price-incentive-fee
f.p.i.l. full premium if lost
FPRP fixed-price-redeterminable-prospective
FPRR fixed-price-redetenninable-retroactive
FPS fertility planning status
Fr. French французский
FRA Federal Reserve Act
F.R.B. = Fed. 3.
FRBk = Fed. Res. Bk.
FRD Federal Reserve District
FRN floating rate notes
FRS = Fed. 4.
FS free stock
fs feasible solution
FSLA Federal Savings and Loan Association
FSLIC Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
FTC Federal Trade Commission
fut. futures
f.v. folio verso
F.W. full weight
fwd forward
fwdd forwarded
fwdg forwarding
FX foreign exchange
FY fiscal year
FYA for your attention
FYI for your information