p. 1. part 2. patent 3. port 4. power 5. private 6. probability 7. put option
ð. pattern
PA procurement authorization
Ð.À., ð.a., Ð/À 1. particular average 2. power of attorney 3. private account 4. per annum
ÐÀÀ Population Association of America
ÐÀÑ 1. planning advisory committee 2. planning analysis and control 3. put and call
Ðàñ., p.a.c. put and call
ÐÀÍÎ Pan-American Health Organization
P.&L.a/c profit-and-loss account
PARM Program Analysis for Resource Management
part. 1. participant 2. participating
PAS Production Advisory Service
Pat. Off. Patent Office
PATTERN Planning Assistance Through Technical Evaluation of Relevance Numbers
P/Av = Ð.À., ð.a., Ð/À 1.
PAYE pay-as-you-earn
Paymt, paymt, payt payment
Ð.B. passbook
PC 1. paid cash 2. prime costs 3. private contract
ðñ payment in cash
ð.ñ. per centum
p.c., Ð/Ñ 1. partly cash 2. petty cash
Ð/Ñ 1. particular charges 2. pay card
Ð/Ñ, p/ñ current price
ð/ñ priced catalogue
ÐÑÀ pilot census area
ÐÑÅ personal consumption expenditure(s)
pchs purchase
pct = ð.ñ.
PD pickup and delivery
pd 1. paid 2. period
Ð.D. port dues
p.d. per day
PDE producer durable equipment
p.d.f. probability density function
Ð.Å. permissible error
Ð/Å price/earnings
PEAS production engineering advisory service
PEP program evaluation procedure
PEPS Payment Exchange Paper System
per. = pd 2.
PERA Production Engineering Research Association
Per an., per an., per ann. per annum
Per. Cap. per capita
per pro. per procurationem
PERT program evaluation-and-review technique
PES post enumeration survey
PFA Pension Funds Association
pf(d) preferred
PFS 1. present family size 2. Princeton Fertility Study
PFU prepared for use
PG professional group
PGE Population Growth Estimation
PI 1. priority index 2. personal income
P.I.B. Prices and Incomes Board
PIBOR Paris interbank offered rate
PICA Private Investment Corporation for Asia
ÐIR policy improvement routine
P.L., P/L, Ð/l profit and loss
PLC public limited company
pm. premium
pmh production per man-hour
PMTS predetermined motion time study
P.O.D. pay on delivery
polit. econ. political economy
pop. population
P.O.S.B. Post-Office Savings Bank
Ð.Ð. 1. postage 2. purchase price
Ð/ð partial pay
ÐÐÂS Planning, Programming and Budgeting System
PPD 1. prepaid 2. project planning directive
ppd prepaid
ÐÐÐ purchasing power parity
PPR parity progression ratio
ppt prompt
Ppty, ppty property
PR public relations
Ðr., ðr. price
pr. 1. = pf(d) 2. = Ð. 6.
PrC. private company
pr. d. probability density
pref, prefe. proffered shares
pri priority
Priv., priv. private
Prm = pm.
pro. progressive
Prob., prob. = P. 6.
prod. 1. producer 2. product 3. production
Pro. Note promissory note
prop. proprietor
prox. proximo
prt(y), pry priority
ps pieces
P.S., P/S public sale
PSBR Public Sector Borrowing Requirement
PSE Pacific Stock Exchange
Pt, pt. = Ð. 2.
pt. 1. = P. 1. 2. = Paymt, paymt, payt
Ptly. partly paid
PU public utilities
pub. 1. public 2. publicity
PUPOR population size of the usual place of residence
P/V profit-volume
P.W. packed weight
PWIF Plantation Worker's International Federation