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D. 1. census desclosure rule 2. debentures 3. department 4. deputy 5. Deutsche Mark 6. director 7. district 8. division
d 1. data 2. date 3. denarii
D/A 1. deposit account 2. documents attached 3. documents against acceptance
D/A, d/a days after acceptance
DAF delivery at frontier
D and В Dun and Bradstreet
d. and s. demand and supply
DBA, d.b.a. doing business as
DBC Dominion Bureau of Statistics
dbk drawback
dc direct costs
D.C. death certificate
DCAS Defense Contract Administration Services
DCE Domestic Credit Expansion
D.C.F., d-c-f. discounted cash flow
dcl declaration
DCPEG Departmental Contractor Performance Evaluation Group
dct 1. document 2. documental
dd 1. dated 2. delivered 3. distribution density
DDGPE Department of Defense Guide to the Performance Evaluation
DE double entry
DEA Department of Economic Affairs
Deb = D 2.
dec. = dcl
def 1. deferred 2. deficit
del 1. delayed 2. = dd 2. 3. delivery
deld, delv = dd 2.
Dely = del 3.
dem 1. demand 2. democratic
denom denomination
dens density
DEP Department of Employment and Productivity
Dep = D 3., 4.
dep. deposit
Dep'n depreciation
Dept = D. 3.
dev deviation
DF 1. dead freight 2. distribution-free
Df deferred shares
dft draft
DI disposable income
DIDC Depositary Institutions Deregulation Committee
dif, difce, diff difference
DIPEC Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center
Dir = D 6.
dis discount
disbs. disbursements
disc = die
div 1. dividend 2. = D 7.
DJIA Dow-Jones Industrial Average
DJTA Dow-Jones Transportation Average
DJUA Dow-Jones Utility Average
DL, d/l demand loan
DM 1. demographic model 2. Deutsche Mark
D.M. decision maker
DMT dimensional motion time
DMUC decision making under certainty
DMUR decision making under risk
DMUU decision making under uncertainty
D/N debit note
DNR do not reduce
DNWF did not work full time
DOC direct operating cost(s)
Doc = dct
DOD Department of Defense
dom dominion
DOT Department of Overseas Trade
DP dynamic(al) programming
D/p documents against payment
DPCPE Defense Program of Contractor Performance Evaluation
DPI disposable personal income
DPUU decision problem under uncertainty
Dr, dr 1. debit 2. debit record 3. debtor
DR dependency ratio
DR, D/R deposit receipt
DS directing staff
d/s days after sight
DSA Defense Supply Agency
DSM dual simplex method
DSSO Defense Surplus Sales Office
DTA Defense Transportation Administration
DTC 1. design to characteristics 2. design to cost 3. Depositary Trust Company
d.w., D/W deadweight
d/y = del 3.