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j. 1. joint 2. junior
J/A, J/a joint account
JAE joint asymptotic efficiency
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staffs
JEC Joint Economic Committee
JIB Japan International Bank

jnt. = j. 1.
jnt stk joint stock
Jr junior
Jt = j. 1.
Jun. Part. junior partner


L 1. labor 2. listed 3. lowest price
l.a. letter of advice
L/A letter of authority
LAFC. Latin-American Forestry Commission
LAFTA Latin-American Free Trade Association
LASH lighter aboard ship
LBO leveraged buy-out
LC 1. labor costs 2. letter-contract
L.C., L/C letter of credit
L.C.C. London Chamber of Commerce
LCE London Commodity Exchange
LCFS last-come-first-served
L.C.L., l.c.l. less than carload = L.C., L/C
L.D. letter of deposit
L.D., L & D loans and discounts
LDC less developed country
L.d.d. loss during discharge
leg 1. leading 2. loading
L.E. Labor Exchange
leg. legal
leg(isl). legislative
LF least favorable
L.F., lf load factor
L.F. late fee
F.A. local freight agent
LFPR labor force participation rate
LH 1. long hauls 2. long-haul
L/Н letter of hypothecation

LIАА Life Insurance Association of America
LIBID London interbank bid
LIBOR London interbank offered rate
lic. license
LIFFE London International Financial Futures
LIFO, Lifo, lifo = LCFS
l.i.m. limit in the mean
LIMIT lot-size inventory management interpolation technique
lin. linear
L.I.P. life insurance policy
LK looking
L.L. Lend-Lease Act
LLC limited (liability) company
LCC lowest life cycle costing
LM liquidity preference money curve
LME London Metal Exchange
МЕР locally most powerful
LОС letter of commitment
L.о/с = L.C., L/C
loс. cur. local currency
LОМА Life Office Management Association
LP limited partnership
L/cs = L.C., L/C
LSE London Stock Exchange
Ltd limited
LTPD lot tolerance percent defective
LUE linear unbiased estimate
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